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Strategic Procurement
An investment had been made into a new High Protein Feed Plant at the existing Bioethanol manufacturing plant at the Wilton site on Teesside.
The client’s selected technology provider was responsible for preparing a proposal for detailed design and supply of the major equipment items for the new plant. WSP provided the detailed design of those elements not covered within the technology provider’s Scope, and the implementation of the project through to mechanical completion under an Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management (EPCM) type arrangement.

About the Project
Provided procurement services to WSP as part of the EPCM for all capital equipment, supply orders and major installation contracts required to complete the Project.
Including development of the procurement strategic approach for the project, vendor engagement and pre-qualification, full management of the live procurement process, interfacing with WSP project engineering team, maintaining program as well as mitigating risk and delivering within the project budget constraints.

JPS Project Procurement Support...
Pre- and post-contract procurement support including:
-Developing procurement strategies for each package, outlining selected vendors, form of contract, payment strategy, pricing strategy and the tender approach.
-Producing and compiling tender documents including T&C’s, price activity schedule and instructions to bidders among other appendices.
-Issuing Invitation to Tender’s (ITT) to a pre-qualified supply chain via Aconex (a single, central platform that connects teams, processes, and project data).
-Reviewing bids received, going back to vendors with clarification questions and clarification meetings to ensure bids are more comprehensive and like for like, allowing for easier comparison.
-Evaluating bids received, producing CBE’s and scoring matrices to determine most effective solution.
-Producing Recommendation for Award (RFA) documents for each package to outline the ranking of the most effective bids received and detail the reasons why to the client.
-Discussing recommendation in RFA meeting with the client to provide further detail into to the reasons for the recommendation and resolve any questions the client has.
-Driving and managing the expediting process to ensure product and services are delivered to site on time and highlight any risks.

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